Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finding out we were pregnant

Soooo... I am already way behind on creating this blog (sign #1 of being a new mom), but it's something that I have been planning in my head since I found out I was pregnant and now I have a nine month old so I have a lot of catching up to do.  Oh where to begin?!

By the grace of God, we were very fortunate being able to get pregnant quick.  Adam and I knew that we wanted to have children sooner than later (we had been married for 9 months when we found out we were pregnant), but didn't expect for it to happen quite so fast. Immediately when Adam and I found out that we were pregnant I freaked out a little bit.  It wasn't a freak out that I didn't want to be pregnant, it was more so the fact that I didn't know if I was ready yet, or more importantly if I was going to be a good mom.  Oh and not to mention I had drank several times not knowing any better and was worried it would affect our baby. After talking with other Mom friends and learning first hand, you really do learn that there is never really a good time to be pregnant and you're never going to be ready.  And let's be honest if Jamie Lynn Spears can do it, pretty much anyone can.

I remember sitting in the bathroom peeing on the stick (for the 3rd time-you know we ALL do it) and thinking there is no way I am pregnant.  Even thought Adam and I were fully aware that it could very well happen, for some reason I just didn't believe it.  Adam said it best- "in the college days you always cross your fingers that the test would come back negative and this was the first time I am actually excited about a positive pregnancy test." After the test came back positive all three times we hugged and kissed and said let's sleep on it and go to the doctor in the morning.  Sure enough the confirmed it for the fourth time that "yes Meghan you ARE pregnant."  That's when reality set in.  I was just shocked.  I kept thinking how am I going to do this?

 (picture from the night I told my mom)

Odd enough the next fear that I had was how am I going to tell my mom?!  It's so strange thinking about it now, but for some reason I was worried about my mom thinking it was too soon for us to be having a baby, or if she thought I was making a mistake.  I value my mom's opinion so much and I didn't want to disappoint her.  She of course was happier than a bird with a worm when she found out the news.

We waited six weeks before telling anyone in our family and 12 weeks before telling close friends because it's so scary during your first trimester.  I have had several friends miscarry and I was terrified that we would tell everyone too quickly and then end up losing her.  The odds of a miscarriage are much higher than people are aware of (1 in every 4).  They tell you after you heart the heart beat that you are in a safer category, but you still just don't know.  Again, we were so blessed to have a beautiful amazing baby girl who turns nine months tomorrow! 

Thanks for taking the time to read, my intent with this blog is to write about my personal experiences with my first time being a mom and sharing stories about the things that many new mom's and pregnant women can relate to.  I apologize ahead of time if I offend anyone at anytime and please remember this is all of my experiences and opinions on things.

Cheers to 2013

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